About Us

We are young and also experienced.
More than 15 years of work experience. Professional IT specialists. 
Services of high quality.  One of the leading Latvian IT companies. 

We know how to do IT. We can.
Our strength is our TEAM, composed of highly qualified IT and business professionals.
We offer IT services from A to Z to provide IT solutions that are most suitable for your business needs.
Knowledge in different industries enables us to understand your business requirements and implement in the most effective way. We are proud of the work done so far!

We are friendly and serious, creative and courageous.
We are the human face of information technology - we can explain the opportunities provided by complex information technology and systems.
We are open to dialogue, we're taking into account customer recommendations and we're adapting to changes in projects, at the same time we are not afraid to offer creative solutions.

We work in good faith. We take care of quality.
We take responsibility for the quality of our work and products, in accordance with international certification standards.

ISO 9001 Quality Certificate

  • customers first
  • services that meet customer requirements
  • qualitative implementation of customer requirements, starting from acceptance of orders until implementation

ISO 27001 Information Security Certificate

  • information security - a top priority
  • customer data security and confidentiality
  • identifying, preventing and controlling the risks of information threats

We are exploring and developing
We are participating in innovation and research projects in order to develop products and improve the quality of the production process. We are capable to offer technologically complicated IT solutions using the latest technology and techniques.


Most of our employees are certified Microsoft professionals. As Microsoft Gold Partner in Latvia, we are authorized to use and sell Microsoft software as well as to provide technical support in accordance with the Microsoft Partner Program Agreement.


We are a member of the Latvian Open Technologies Association. Open technologies support ICT solutions based on open standards using an open source or a closed source code.

IT Cluster

We are a member of Latvian IT Cluster and we are actively involved in its activities, especially in the field of export promotion.




+371 67844984 (Deliveries, IT support helpdesk)

 +371 67291020 

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Fridriha Candera Street 1,
Riga, LV-1046 Latvia